"Has anyone tried unplugging 2020 and plugging it back in again? - Live Unlimited London

"Has anyone tried unplugging 2020 and plugging it back in again?

April 03, 2020 Tracy Egan


Well we find ourselves in very uncertain times right now and dealing with this 'new normal' can all too easily become quite overwhelming. 


Over the next few weeks, I plan to share with you a few of the things that I'm doing to try and keep positive (and keep busy!) and hope that maybe amongst these things, there is something you've not thought about that could also help to fill part of your day or evening....

I'll regularly update these blogs whilst we all re-calibrate on how to work through this global crisis, and I'm going to try and think of ways of bringing a little brightness into your day and remaining positive....my mantra at the moment has definitely got to be...


During this time of isolation we need connections more than ever, and I'd love to hear from you too, so please let me know of anything you'd like to see on these pages over the next few weeks and I will do my very best to include - you can e-mail me direct on together@liveunlimitedlondon.com 

I've started off with COCKTAIL HOUR to kickstart your weekend, as I feel more than ever, it's got to be a good way to mark the end of the week, which can be difficult when your home has become your office or a school!

Keep safe, 

Love, Tracy xxx