Tracy's Top Tips for the Perfect Night's Sleep...
Founder and Creative Director Tracy Egan has learnt a thing or two about getting a good night’s sleep and here she shares her tried, and tested, tips for achieving a restful night’s sleep…zzz
“I’ve had my fair share of struggling to sleep over the last year or so, but I know how important it is to try and get a good night’s sleep. It makes me happier, calmer, more energised and more able to take on the stresses that we all face day to day. In an ideal world everyone would tell us to exercise or do a yoga class, but we haven’t all got time for that when we are juggling work, home and kids (I’ve just got a puppy too !). It’s not always as easy as going to bed earlier too with the strains of the day racing in our head but it’s about finding the little things that work for you. Here are a few of my tips that have helped me and could hopefully work for you too. Sometimes just those small steps can make a big difference….”
“Magnesium is known to have so many health benefits and our bodies are often deficient in this mineral. There are many magnesium-rich foods but I like to also take a supplement and take two tablets each night. I’m also a big fan of magnesium salts in my bath too"
“For instant relaxation (for me anyway!), try a hot bath before going to sleep….I like to add some lavender based bath oil. A few drops into running water and I’m straight on the path to sleep. Essential oils are powerful and you can feel their benefits in an instant"
“I am a complete convert to these pillow sprays – I find them instantly relaxing. My favourite is the ‘This Works’ Pillow Spray which is an aromatherapeutic blend of Lavender, Vetivet and Camomile and is just so soothing.
“We all know how important it is to not look at screens at least an hour or so before bed, but I know we are all guilty of it. I have found though that it REALLY does help to read, even a chapter, of a book and avoid scrolling through Instagram !”
5. GET COSY….zzz